
  • wd - Work directory
  • env - Environment
  • sleep(msec) - sleep for a given number of msec.
  • export(key, value) - Sets an environment in the "root" environment so it persists in the parent script environment.
  • ignoreErrors(function() { .. }) - Run the code in the passed function but catch and ignore any errors that happen.
  • retry(c, function() { .. }) - Run the code in the passed function c times until it fails.
  • async(function() { .. }) - Run code async in another thread; Returns a task that can be waited for
  • run(scriptFN) - Run a script (blocking)
  • runAsync(scriptFN) - Runs a script asynchronously; returns a task that can be waited for
  • include(scriptFn) - Include the content of a script in the current script
  • waitFor(tasksArray, timeout) - Timeout is optional (infinite by default); raises any exception that was thrown in the async ones.
  • expand(value) - Expands $name or $(name) to the js variable; $$ becomes $.