
  • file.setAttributes(fileName, fileFlagsOptions) set the attributes of a file; This is a plain object with ReadOnly, Hidden or Archive booleans.
  • file.copy(sourceFileMask, destFileOrFolder, recurse = false, overwrite = true) Copy 1 or more files/directories to a target. Recurse will recurse into directories, if overwrite is false it will fail if the file already exists.
  • file.move(sourceFileMask, destFileOrFolder, delete) Copy 1 or more files/directories to a target. Recurse will recurse into directories, if overwrite is false it will fail if the file already exists.
  • file.list(pathandmask, recurse): array of string Show a list of files given a mask; recurse defines if it shows files in sub directories.
  • file.remove(filename) Remove a file
  • string Read a file and return the content as a string
  • file.write(filename, data) Write a file with a string as content
  • file.append(filename, data) Append a string to a file
  • file.exists(filename): bool Check if a file exists